Dunedin Beach Homes for Sale

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Property Brokers Dunedin
Blue ribbon dairy support
Property Brokers are privileged to offer for sale this exceptional property located in South Otago known as Allangrange Farm. This quality property has in recent years undergone an extensive development programme due to the change from sheep and beef farming to dairy support. The installation of both pivot and gun irrigation along with revised pasture and crop programme make Allangrange the high producing property it is. The combination of the quality improvements along with excellent location as well as the irrigation and development make this a blue ribbon property. The 321.6635 ha consists of 187 ha irrigated, 103 ha non-irrigated effective grazing land, plus approximately 31 ha of land that includes some rocky out crops, forestry and approximately 17 ha of the local community golf course. Allangrange offers superior finishing and dairy support capability seldom available for purchase. Irrigation and fertility make this farm a reliable asset in an ever-changing climate with turn-key infrastructure. A real benefit to an astute purchaser is the opportunity to continue using the farm to support Argyll Dairy Farms three dairy farms in the district. The great location of this farm caters for both Otago and Southland giving potential to further diversify and increase winter support, or supplements grown.
Upload by Ewen Livingstone
Otago and Southland
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